Friday 2 March 2007

Public Transport?

Thursday and Friday are college days, as usual. I arrive for the City and Guilds class on Thursday morning, to find that today I am not expected to take my clothes off. In fact, I have to put more on. The tutor has kindly brought me a colourful scarf, a hat with ear muffs, a large umbrella, a rolled up newspaper and two carrier bags. Today I am supposed to be waiting at a bus stop, and they are doing a large drawing of me, with smaller details at the side and notes as to colours, to do a painting for their portfolio at a later date.
I duly climb onto the table and wait for a bus for an hour and a half. It never comes. I go home.
Friday morning I arrive to see - oh look, the same props, but for a different group. Seven of the Art Foundation students are waiting to draw me - the first pose standing up, same as before, and the second will be sitting down, he says. I look in the other direction today, just in case I was standing on the wrong side of the road yesterday. Still no bus.
In the break I go over to the tutors' hut - being fully clothed for once - and make my own coffee. I hand in my claims sheet for last month and engage in a lengthy chat with the administrator about her flu. I go back to the room, and the tutor tells me they haven't finished their drawings yet, although they're coming along nicely, so do I mind standing again, please.
Does it matter if I mind?
Oh well, I suppose most people would be glad if they were paid for buses that never arrived. That was nearly three hours waiting today.
At lunchtime he tells me I'll be with the other tutor this afternoon, but when I come back at one o'clock the other tutor says his class is doing something different, already arranged. So it's back to the staff hut to hang around in the hope, or threat, that someone else may be wanting my services. They don't. I come home early.
I think the county council could do something about improving the bus service though.

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